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Handle OAuth2 authentication for REST APIs

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As expected by the HTTP specification, token is extracted from Authorization header and must be prefixed with Bearer .

Token will then be validated and in case it is valid, you will be able to access the raw token (as string) and the decoded token body (as dictionary).


Provides a Starlette authentication backend: layabauth.starlette.OAuth2IdTokenBackend.

3 arguments are required:

Below is a sample Starlette application with an endpoint requesting a Microsoft issued OAuth2 token.

import starlette.applications
from starlette.authentication import SimpleUser, requires
from starlette.middleware import Middleware
from starlette.middleware.authentication import AuthenticationMiddleware
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse

import layabauth.starlette

backend = layabauth.starlette.OAuth2IdTokenBackend(
    create_user=lambda token, token_body: SimpleUser(token_body["name"]),
    scopes=lambda token, token_body: token_body["scopes"]
app = starlette.applications.Starlette(middleware=[Middleware(AuthenticationMiddleware, backend=backend)])

async def my_endpoint(request):
    return PlainTextResponse(request.user.display_name)


Provides a decorator layabauth.flask.requires_authentication to ensure that, in a context of a Flask application, a valid OAuth2 token was received.

The JWKs URI as defined in .well-known is the only required argument.

If validation fails, an werkzeug.exceptions.Unauthorized exception is raised. Otherwise token is stored in flask.g.token and decoded token body is stored in flask.g.token_body.

Decorator works fine on flask-restplus methods as well.

Below is a sample Flask application with an endpoint requesting a Microsoft issued OAuth2 token.

import flask
import layabauth.flask

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def my_endpoint():
    # Optional, ensure that the appropriates scopes are provided
    layabauth.flask.requires_scopes(lambda token, token_body: token_body["scopes"], "my_scope")
    # Return the content of the name entry within the decoded token body.
    return flask.Response(flask.g.token_body["name"])


You can generate OpenAPI 2.0 security definition thanks to layabauth.authorizations.

You can generate OpenAPI 2.0 method security thanks to layabauth.method_authorizations


Authentication can be mocked using layabauth.testing.auth_mock pytest fixture.

token_body pytest fixture returning the decoded token body used in tests must be provided. jwks_uri pytest fixture returning the jwks_uri used in tests must be provided.

from layabauth.testing import *

def jwks_uri():
    return ""

def token_body():
    return {"name": "", "scopes": ["my_scope"]}

def test_authentication(auth_mock, client):
    response = client.get("/my_endpoint", headers={"Authentication": "Bearer mocked_token"})
    assert response.text == ""

How to install

  1. python 3.7+ must be installed
  2. Use pip to install module:
    python -m pip install layabauth