Accessing Windows from Linux

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Retrieve a file (from Windows to Linux)

import pyndows

path_to_retrieved_file = ""
with pyndows.connect(...) as machine:
    pyndows.get(machine, "shared_folder_name", "/folder/requested_file_name", path_to_retrieved_file)

Retrieve a file description (from Windows to Linux)

import pyndows

with pyndows.connect(...) as machine:
    description = pyndows.get_file_desc(machine, "shared_folder_name", "/folder/requested_file_name")

Move a file (from Linux to Windows)

import pyndows

file_to_move_path = ""
with pyndows.connect(...) as machine:
    pyndows.move(machine, "shared_folder_name", "/folder/destination_file_name", file_to_move_path)

Note that folders will be created if not existing.

You can also provide a custom suffix for the temporary file (.tmp is used by default) via the temp_file_suffix parameter.

Rename a file

import pyndows

with pyndows.connect(...) as machine:
    pyndows.rename(machine, "shared_folder_name", "/folder/previous_file_name", "/folder/new_file_name")

Ensure connectivity

import pyndows

with pyndows.connect(...) as machine:
    details = pyndows.check("connection identifier", machine)


You can mock remote connections by using samba_mock pytest fixture.

2 convenience methods are available:

  1. samba_mock.path(share_folder_name, file_or_folder_path) returns a pathlib.Path instance that you can use as a replacement for the file on the remote connection.
    • Use write_*() to set the content of a file.
    • Use read_*() to check the content of a file.
  2. samba_mock.add_callback(method_name, callback) provides the ability to override the mock default behavior and can be used to send custom exceptions.

Below are a few example of what can be done:

Simulate a file that can be retrieved

from pyndows.testing import samba_mock, SMBConnectionMock

def test_file_retrieval(samba_mock: SMBConnectionMock):
    samba_mock.path("shared_folder_name", "/folder/file_to_retrieve").write_text("File content of path to a file")
    # TODO Execute code relying on this file

Ensure the content of a file that was moved or renamed

from pyndows.testing import samba_mock, SMBConnectionMock

def test_file_retrieval(samba_mock: SMBConnectionMock):
    # TODO Execute code writing this file
    file_content = samba_mock.path("shared_folder_name", "/folder/file_that_was_stored").read_text()

Simulate echo failure

from smb.smb_structs import OperationFailure
from pyndows.testing import samba_mock, SMBConnectionMock

def test_file_retrieval(samba_mock: SMBConnectionMock):
    def raise_exception(*args):
        raise OperationFailure("Mock for echo failure.", [])

    samba_mock.add_callback("echo", raise_exception)
    # TODO Execute code calling echo

How to install

  1. python 3.6+ must be installed
  2. Use pip to install module:
    python -m pip install pyndows